Intermediate Level (3-5)
Circuit Breakers - Level I
45-60 Minutes
Using SnapCircuits, students will design and produce a set of basic circuits. The NYSTEAMBus is rolling out, but we have a pretty big problem… We don’t have lights for the interior of the bus. We heard that there are some future electricians training, and we figured we should probably head over here for some help. This activity concludes with a "human circuit" that provides power to the NYSTEAMBus

Breakout Box - STEAM BUS Challenge
45-60 Minutes

In the NYSTEAMBus Breakout-Style session, we bring in pre-designed activities that make use of our current curriculum to teach STEAM concepts.
Breakout Box - STEAM BUS Challenge
45-60 Minutes

In a timed session, groups of up to 20 students will need to solve their way off of the NYSTEAMBus by answering a set of coding, robotics, and design challenges.
45-90 Minutes

Using Ozobot and Ozoblockly, students will code the small robot through a series of challenges and obstacles. This activity will be combined with a design build, frequently using Keva Blocks.
Google Expeditions
45-90 Minutes

Using Google Expeditions, students take a trip around the world to locations that can span across all curriculum areas.
Makey Makey
45-90 Minutes
Our intermediate Makey Makey project makes use of design challenges by asking students to develop a device that accomplishes one of several different tasks. This project begins with some basic explanation about how the Makey Makey system works with a small project introduction. From there, students are involved in a design challenge in a "Maker-Style" project.

Nano-Tex Fabric
Tailored to Available Time

*NEATEC UNIT*- Various fabrics have been engineered (developed) with nanotechnology to be stain resistant. Based on what they have observed, can they predict which ones have been engineered with nanoscience? The swatch labeled Nano-Tex is a nanotextile and is made from exactly the same material as the cotton swatch. The fibers of the Nano-Tex material have been coated with a negatively charged chemical which causes the individual fibers on each strand of the threads to curl up, preventing liquid from penetrating the cloth. In essence, the Nano-Tex fabric acts hydrophobic.
Circuit Breakers - Level II
45-60 Minutes
This is a followup activity to Circuit Breakers: Level I. Students build a set of more difficult circuits that are integrated into a group-based challenge.

Breakout Box - Tailored to Your Curriculum
45-60 Minutes

After speaking with someone at your school, we design a Breakout-Style experience that is tailored to the current program learning of your students. We incorporate the learning experiences being taught in your building to provide students with an "on the go" formative assessment experience.
Coded Robots (Sphero)
45-90 Minutes

Using multiple coding languages, students code Sphero through a series of training and simulated obstacles.
45-90 Minutes

Using the block coding program on the Sphero App, students will code a robot thorough a set of challenges that can be tailored to any classroom's already-existing curriculum. Advanced coding challenges will include loops, variable, and functions.
Little Bits
45-90 Minutes

Students at the intermediate level will be provided with a brief overview of how the LittleBits systems work, and then will be introduced to a design challenge that is grade-level specific that will include building a functional machine that helps to answer a problem.
Renewable Energy - Small Group
45-90 Minutes

Using various solar kits as well as the Monolith Solar system equipped on the NYSTEAMBus, students will solve a set of design challenges powered by solar energy.
Nano Sand
Tailored to Available Time

*NEATEC UNIT*- Students participate in activities that compare the properties of regular play sand to that of hydrophobic Nano sand, observing the different effects water has on each and how Nano has influenced each. They are then asked to formulate ideas on why hydrophobic sand is beneficial and in what ways it can be utilized to solve real world problems such as oil spills and water retention during farming. This module takes place over 3, forty minute periods.
Ultraviolet Rays and Opacity
Tailored to Available Time

*NEATEC UNIT*- UV Beads contain a chemical that changes color when exposed to ultraviolet light. When brought out of the UV, they will fade back to white. The beads can cycle back and forth over 50,000 times. The sun emits ultraviolet light, so exposing the beads to sunlight will cause their color to change. Students can experiment with different conditions and see which cause a color change. The ultraviolet wavelengths in sunlight cause skin to tan and burn.
Thin Films
Tailored to Available Time

*NEATEC UNIT*- Using soap bubbles students learn how to measure the thickness of a thin film by observing the colors of the light spectrum and comparing them to a wavelength chart. They also learn the application of Thin Films in the world of nanotechnology and the everyday objects it is used for. Many elements of middle school math are also incorporated into the module as students calculate the volume and surface area of a sphere.